Suffering In Illness? Doulas can help.
This is a special message to you if you are suffering with a serious illness and cannot find relief or need help. Some end-of-life doulas do specialize in this time period as well.
Some Insights About Palliative Care
From how to pronounce “palliative care” to the ins and outs of finding it, listen in to this very misunderstood holistic form of care.
The Calling
The inspiration to serve the dying does not come from medical training. It comes from deep inside a person and people manifest their actions to serve in all kinds of ways. Some people work within healthcare, some people learn a healing modality outside of allopathic medicine and some people just are ‘the go-to person’ that…
Doula Skills Generalize (very sensitive topic)
Over the years, people studying with me have been focused on helping people who are suffering from the traumatic death of a loved one from violence or suicide. Our same doula skills of companionship apply here as well.
We all have them. And as you expand, you will come into a new one; it’s just the way it is. Come to expect them and decide to work through them. It’s key to your doula service.
Pre-hospice Time Period
The time period from ‘when-treatments-begin-to-stop-working’ through enrolling in hospice service (if you are lucky enough to do so in time to benefit from it) can be some of the most harrowing times for a person and their family. This is what all the books from physicians like Dr. Atul Gawande, Dr. Ira Byock, Dr. Jessica…
Q&A: I’ve been a professional companion before, how do I get started?
The person here has worked in healthcare as a professional companion and she cared for her family members as they died and she also has the experience of caring for her son through his cancer journey. She doesn’t have the money for professional training and is wanting to know how to get started serving children…
Q&A. Newbie: should I serve as a doula while my dad is in decline?
The question the person is asking is should she begin her professional doula journey while her father is facing his decline with cancer right now and is having a hard time with it. What is interesting is what she reveals about halfway through, an opportunity she wasn’t expecting.
Serving Before Hospice
This is where so much of the suffering at end of life is happening. And most dying is actually happening during this time period of ‘when-treatments-begin-to-stop-working’ and hospice entry. Remember the so many people will not ever receive the benefits and support of hospice. This is crucial to know the issues if you are going…