Course Curriculum: We utilize Deanna’s signature course, “Accompanying the Dying: A Practical Guide and Awareness Training” as our curriculum. Our CareDoula Method is time tested (over15 years) with hundreds of hours of professional development and thousands of people utilizing it to change the face of dying around the world.
Certified CareDoula® Essentials teaches you:
The truth is you must have the heart for this service and then build from there.
You can be great with your family and friends, but you must learn different and additional skills if you want to serve professionally (people you don’t know). And after that you must be found or you will be stuck in your living room and people are out here needing so much more help! It is ALL necessary and every bit of what you need is in Certified CareDoula® Essentials.
We make sure you’re not missing any of the pieces of the art of accompanying the dying—the power of CareDoula is in the comprehensive training, whether or not you need certification. Our extensive program will fill in any gaps in knowledge. It is an all-encompassing study.
Course Objectives
Establishing Rapport & Peace
Mastering the art of building trust and confidence in your service.
Exploring Types & Settings of EOLD Work
Awareness: serving your client expertly and correctly.
Providing Emotional & Spiritual Support
Awareness: the essence of our service, compassionate presence.
Spiritual Care of Self & Others
Mastering the journey into the great unknown with confidence.
Providing Practical Support
Mastering top End-of-Life Doula guidance skills.
EOL Doula Tools
Legacy, aroma therapy, vigil, planning, and more.
The Dying Body
Awareness: accompanying during the last days of life.
At the Bedside
Mastering physical and supportive care for person and family.
Special Topics in End-of-Life
Palliative sedation, home funerals, medical issues, green burials, and more.
Professional Issues
Creating a structure to support yourself, ethics, standards of practice, promotions.
Extended Support
You may continue to renew your LIVE Support sessions yearly, as well as membership in CareDoula Way.
More Course Details
So many topics, so much time to explore!
Hospice• What it is• Who Benefits• When Appropriate• Myths• Where Its Delivered• Continuity of Care Issues• Doula Role with Hospice Non-medical Interventions• Aromatherapy• Guided Visualization• Therapeutic Approach: Meaningful, Purposeful• Deep Listening• Touch Therapy• Presence• Music Therapy Public Awareness & Public Relations• Professional Image• Facilitating Meetings• Business Etiquette• The Written Message• How and Where to Connect with Community• The Written Message• Dealing with Challenging People• Stress Management• Community Relationships• Advocacy for Family• Customer Service Communication• Responding Skills• Listening Skills• Energy Awareness• Appropriate Sharing• Dealing with Difficult Situations Leadership• Self-Analysis• Time Management• Problem Solving• Record Keeping 5483_e7cff4-22> |
Interpersonal Relationships• Team Approach: Working Together• Coordination of Services• Peer Relationships• Family Relationships• Empowerment• Staff and Client Relationships• Consultant Relationships• Facilitating Healing• Managing Conflicts• Dealing with Difficult People• Appropriate Engagement Spirituality of Aging• Tasks of Life Review• Individuality of Spiritual Support• Death and Dying• Palliative Care• Issue of Honesty as Accompanying• Personal Growth• Respect for Family Process• Comparative Religions Individualized Care Planning• Family Needs• Professional Issues• Legal Issues• Boundaries of Private Practice• Confidentiality• Patient Involvement Compassion Fatigue• Self-Care• Boundaries• Support for Doula 5483_2245ea-ad> |
Sociology of Dying• Engagement and Isolation• Dependence and Independence• Honoring Culture• Long-Term Care Issues• Living Arrangements: Retirement Housing, Elder Assisted Living, Independent Living, Home Health, Home • Continuum of Care Biology of Dying• Changes: Physical & Sensory• Nutrition Awareness• Natural Dying Process• Body Decline• Non-medical Interventions• Understanding Pain Natural Advocate• Resource Building• Liaison in healthcare system• Spiritual Support Referral Professional Development• Structure of Doula Practice• Business Planning• Business Expectations• Professional Standards• Creating Your Service• Promotions• Pricing Your Service• Community Education Tools 5483_587a00-66> |
What great end-of-life doula training provides you.
On a personal level. Finally there is a way for anyone who wants to know the art of accompanying the dying (on the deepest level) to learn it. You will now have the CONFIDENCE (not acting as if) to engage skillfully with your person and family, care for yourself along the way and make a true impact on the situation.
On a professional level. We need you! We need more advocates out here to help not only families, but also the healthcare entities providing services (hospice, home health, hospitals, clinics). Learn the power of the role, the art of the practice and the skills to be part of the change to bridge gaps in end-of-life care in 2025.
Our natural talent and special gifts bring us here; and, it’s in intentionally building a strong foundation of a service that cares for you while you care for them that will make your professional service thrive.
What Is the Benefit of Studying Certified CareDoula® Essentials?
Because Deanna was a Board Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse for 15 years plus has had her own private practice as an End-of-Life Doula since 2005, she KNOWS what it takes to help you achieve your goals.
What do you want? Do you want to learn more as you care for your family member? Or do you want more training beyond your volunteer experience? Are you considering creating your own unique end-of-life service? Or are you a professional already who needs a quality end-of-life education that you KNOW you cannot get anywhere but hospice work?
End-of-Life Doula Education developed and taught by a hospice nurse who is ALSO a palliative consultant and end-of-life doula in private practice is a unique combination. Add to that skillset, an early pioneer in the end-of-life doula movement, corporate developer of End-of-Life Doula hospice programs, leadership in the US during a key time in our doula history (see about) and you can have 100% confidence that you are getting WAY more than a basic program.
What you won’t find anywhere else (in local trainings or the internet) are the hours of detailed explanations and the rationale within Certified CareDoula for WHY you are doing what you are doing. Find out about the best way to help a family reduce the physical suffering you may have seen with your own eyes. If it was common knowledge, there would NOT be so much suffering.
You will not only learn all this, you will also have Deanna and surprise special guests with whom to reason things out and be guided how to apply what you learn. You will know how to implement the steps that it takes to advocate well. You cannot get this through internet searches nor ChatGPT. You can learn from someone who has years of being out in the field and hard won experience in various roles serving the dying and their families.
Scroll through the rest of the page to learn
about the BONUSES that are in addition to
Certified CareDoula Essentials.
Bonus #1: Monthly Q&A With Deanna
Each month Deanna hosts a LIVE Q&A session dedicated to helping you move from point A to point B. Get your pressing questions answered. You are not alone implementing what you learn. You have her for an entire year to get your foundation in place, your structure of your service built, your promotions strategy and your first steps as an end-of-life doula in private practice. She will teach you not only how to deal with the dying time, but also the professional issues of consulting, leadership, planning and promotions through community education. And her special sauce–the glue that will make you successful–is the way she teaches you to weave self care throughout every step of your service creation. It is the backbone of your business. These sessions are recorded.
Bonus #2: One Year Membership in CareDoula® Way. See Below
End-of-Life Literacy Now.
Do you doubt yourself?
Is one of your questions, “can I really do this?” or, “is this really for me?”
If so, take a moment and get into a quiet headspace. Tune into your sincere desire to serve people at the end of life. Do you have 5 minutes right now? Click here to start our 5 minute timer. Just breathe in deeply, and for the next 5 minutes, think of nothing other than how you feel when you imagine helping others during the dying time. A chime will ring when time is up.
Check in: Do you feel good? Does imagining serving others satisfy something deep inside you? Is this what you’d love to do with the rest of your life? For some people, the answer is “no.”
For others, the answer is “yes,” and they realize they are just scared to move forward with their vision alone. When your answer is “yes, I want to serve like this,” then you know what’s holding you back is fear. We have a fix for that; you just need an experienced guide, committed to helping you get to where you want to go using a proven method and blueprint.