Scoring: The results from your quiz will help you determine the type of commitment you want to make in time, energy and money to end-of-life education based on how you answered the questions. Almost 100% of the people drawn to the end-of-life doula role are the ‘go-to’ people of this world. You are the one people call when there is something going on, a crisis, illness, dying, etc. so it is NOT a surprise you took the quiz.
As you go through your results, really pay attention to how you feel right now. Are you inspired to serve others? Is this more about your own healing? Or is this just a passing curiosity?
If you scored closer to 50:
If you scored this high, you know you are pretty determined to make it through the rough spots, self-doubts and obstacles that may come your way as you incorporate end-of-life service into your life; it is clear you would like to have some kind of service in your community.
Great Considerations for you would be:
- Weaving the skill or role into whatever you are doing now in your ‘day-job.’
- Creating an end-of-life doula menu item in your current independent holistic practice.
- Creating a part-time practice now and integrating this role into your present lifestyle, expanding into a full-time practice as demand grows.
- Create an end-of-life collective that will serve your community and be an education hub as well.
ACTION STEPS to consider:
- Invest in End-of-Life Doula training and certification and get a mentor you can trust.
- Consider our Certified CareDoula® Essentials–review HERE.
If your score is around 25:
If your score is closer to 25, you are a person who is seriously interested in the field of dying and death studies and you most probably want and need more than just general articles and books about it. Chances are you have already devoured several! Although a formal end-of-life doula training program may sound intriguing, it doesn’t fully resonate as a next step.
Great considerations for you would be:
- Take some time (journal, etc.) to see what part of the end-of-life time period appeals to you. You may find that there are certain specific topics that peak your interest. Does your interest have to do with your own healing rather than service?
- Consider volunteering at your local hospital, hospice or nursing home.
ACTION STEPS to consider:
- Look for communities where death and dying are discussed and explore with like-minded people.
- Be a facilitator of community end-of-life discussions. This does not require you to be an expert to be the person who organizes discussions or book clubs or movie nights.
- Consider our CareDoula® Way Membership. Review it HERE.
If you are closer to 10:
If you are around 10, your interest may not be about service to the greater community, it may be about your own very personal journey with dying and death. Are you dealing with the dying of someone close to you right now? Know that so many of us are drawn into the end-of-life education world trying to heal experiences we went through in the past. We either want to make sure no one has to go through what they did (or we did) ever again or to help others have the beautiful experience we had. You might be a person who is mostly focused on the journey when it’s close to home–when it occurs within your own circle of family and friends.
ACTION STEPS to consider:
- Spend time to consider if you are needing more support with your grief. Where are you with your own journey with grieving people, animals and situations in your life over the past year? What about the past few years? What about the past 10 years? 20? The important thing is not the time that has gone by but the amount of attention your grief requires of you right now. What do you need to feel better today, right now?
- Consider joining our CareDoula® Way Membership and take your time making sense of things for yourself. There is a reason you took your precious time and took this quiz. What’s that about? In our membership, you may just find out and make new friends along the way. Review it HERE.