Survey Form: WEBSITE Please let us know how you found this page. Thank you.
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Where are you in your doula journey right now? Are you in research mode or are you ready to go? Please describe your situation and intentions in a few sentences.
Why is now the time you want to learn more about accompanying the dying and possibly focus on your own professional service?
What are you hoping to get out of End-Of-Life Doula training? What kinds of results are you trying to create?
What are your concerns or questions right now about training or the service of an end-of-life doula?
Any high quality professional development opportunity requires a financial investment in yourself, of course. Is this feasible for you at this time in your life?
- Select - Yes, I have the means to invest. Yes, I'll need to move things around. Not right now but I'm planning for it.
Do you have time within the next few days for a 45 minute - 1 hour call where you are able to be still, focused and in a quiet space (not driving and multi tasking)?
- Select - Yes No
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