Learn the skills that are changing the world!
Rationale |Tools |Best Practices |Pro Tips

Founder, CareDoula® Education
“Thanks for stopping by!”
Are you looking for a warm place to land as you learn all you need to know to navigate the time from when treatments begin to stop working through early bereavement?
It used to be that the only way anyone could learn this level of care, support and advocacy was through working at hospice. Now, whether you are a family member, friend, volunteer or professional, you can learn with me at CareDoula. I’ve been a Hospice Nurse since 2000 and serving professionally as an End-of-Life Doula since 2005.Take a look around and enjoy your learning as you decide your next steps on your end-of-life doula journey. This is a serious endeavor and I want you to be sure footed; I want you to know the rationale for things and what’s really going on behind-the-scenes.

“Working with you has helped me align with what feels right to me; validation from someone with your knowledge and experience in this field has changed me forever. I now know 100% what my purpose is.”
— Tiffany Anne Rauch
Deanna’s work has captured attention.

Free Resources
The Top 10 Issues at the end of life and What To Do about them.
This is SPOT ON in deciding what path to take as an EOL Doula.
Create Your Own EOL Service w/o Working in Healthcare.
Enjoy articles relating to EOL advocacy and Doula matters.
Enjoy hours of archives of the 1st Palliative Podcast in 2014.

“I so appreciate the chance to learn with you. You’re such a teacher! I love that you speak from your own experience, that you welcome any and every question, that you somehow ‘hold space’ for where every person is at. And I love that you speak easily, from a deep place of integrity and that you allow your amusement free reign!” – Nancy
“…Deanna’s years of experience allows her to speak very clearly and easily about how to serve at the end-of-life and the types of things we need to work through to be good companions. She taught me a lot about reorienting myself as an instrument for the person I’m serving. I think it’s really brilliant how she’s able to do that.” – Dustin

“My knowledge base has grown so much! Deanna helps us to see what skillset we have already and how we can use that to create our own end-of-life service offer. I’m so grateful for her helping me focus and hone in my skills and not be afraid.” – Pamela
We serve families AND professionals.

“Thank heavens for Deanna’s sessions and guidance—I certainly didn’t know it then, but all of it has prepared me for this moment of accompanying a dear mentor as he died. It prepared me to walk in that room, assess the situation and be totally 100% present with him.”
– Melissa
Friend and Family Guidance

“I walked both my mother and father, as well as several family members through their dying days. I understand how difficult it can be, especially when you don’t have a medical background. There are so many things to know to make it easier. I created a program for the caregiver to help you if you don’t have a hospice nurse for a daughter.”
Review the “Family Journey” Here.
“…Deanna is warm, she’s funny…she makes this very difficult subject matter understandable and teaches that we don’t walk into situations with a task list but intuitively and with humility—with our way to practicing humility.” – Andrea

The Art of Accompanying the Dying

We offer End-Of-Life Doula training and certification, in fact, Deanna’s training is the first End-Of-Life Doula Certificate Program in the US, created in 2010.
CareDoula® is a deep spiritual and personal journey, along with learning the skills you need. Also, we thoroughly explore rationale, knowing the current issues and how to access quality care.
And once you are grounded in all of this, many people are inspired to continue on. They are contemplating how they want to bring more meaning in their lives with their own unique end-of-life offering in their community—no matter how small.
We are needing more advocates and companions and guides to support the growing number of people who need help at the end of life. The hospices need help too! We are in a real bind with the aging of our population and the lessening of friends and family who can help. We are 7:1 nonpaid caregivers to person now, by 2030 it will be 4:1.
If End-Of-Life Doula study interests you, register for my web class below and learn all about what’s going on right now!
Create an End-of-Life Service
Without Working in Healthcare.
If you are spending a lot of time on the internet trying to learn all you can about end of life and the new end-of-life doula role, you are in luck! We’re glad you found us so you can get out of the chaos.
Outside of learning all the ins and outs of the dying time, the biggest problem people have is trying to figure out what to offer based on their talents, interests and skills. They are getting overwhelmed and frustrated in the process—there’s just too much conflicting information out there.
Good news is our method is working beautifully to save hours of wasted time and energy.
If you’re inspired, register for my no cost web class that will show you exactly what is working right now for holistic-minded people that want to serve their community at the end of life without having to work in a traditional healthcare role. After viewing this, you will really know if End-Of-Life Doula Training and Certification is for you.

“And this beautiful, sacred journey continues…honestly, it took a lot out of me to accomplish, but it was all sooo worth it. Thank You Deanna for being such an amazing teacher and mentor. Thank YOU and everyone who works alongside you keeping this heart and soul centered mission, not only going, but getting better and BETTER! ” – América Martinez
“You have put together a well thought out series of classes that is filled with both thought provoking material and also with information that enhances people’s personal growth. It isn’t often that happens.” – Dayle

It’s wild out there and ChatGPT is 2 years behind! Be safe with us on the leading edge–we got you!
We know that diving deep into a topic such as the end of life can be overwhelming, and frankly, painful sometimes. CareDoula® Education is here to show you the way,
For those of you who are working in the field, serving clients and learning to care for yourself as you care for others, we are not only here for ongoing education, we are also here to help you grow and up your skills and continue to empower you to help others suffer less in dying and death.
Know exactly how to care for yourself as you care for others during difficult times.
Have a clear actionable plan in
place for your own needs and if
you are professional, your
own offerings.
Know how to talk about end of life issues with your family, friends and your greater community.
Feel more confident about what to do for your own family and friends.
Be clear on if you want to serve
others on a higher level, and if so,
how you want to do that.
Be able to clearly articulate
what you do and who you
do it for confidently.
Free Education and Guidance Directly to Your Inbox.
I’m here to help.

CareDoula® Education has changed thousands of lives and we know with information and help to implement what you learn, we can help you transform end-of-life care in your situation.
And if you are inspired to serve others and are not doing so right now because of not knowing what your next steps should be, join us–problem solved!
The roadmap is here and ready for you.