Since 2005, we’ve been providing information, resources and
support to reduce suffering during serious illness
and the end-of-life time period.
Who We Help
We help people and their families who are facing serious illness in the end-of-life time period. We also support and train professionals who are dedicated to reducing suffering at the end of life. We have a special focus to support the people who are just outside the immediate circle of someone who is dying–people who often feel they have no place and are at a loss of what to do at this time. Many people refer to these special ones as the ‘go-to’ person and you know who you are.
What We Do
We provide LIVE support, classes, awareness training and professional education for people who support the dying personally and/or professionally. We mentor and guide end-of-life activists around the world to create pathways for their communities to have access to palliative care as well as end-of-life care. All of our education programs aim to guide you to have a solid foundation of end-of-life awareness, tools and self-care practices to deal with the dying time as a family member, friend or professional. Our programs aim to minimize paralyzing insecurity, lack of knowledge, anxiety, stress and suffering at the end of life.
Our Philosophy
Living and dying is a sacred dance and death is for certain. The dying time deserves the respect and loving attention as does the birthing and living time and we add to the collective wisdom of the ages when we live within this reality. We are committed to bringing peace and possibilities at the end of life and share all we can at no cost and low cost so as many as possible may be able to transform end-of-life experiences in their circles from suffering to peace. We believe that each person creates their own perfect balance between knowledge and the art of accompanying the dying, and creates their own self-care as they care for others in this most intimate way. We give all we can to ensure this happens, i.e., teachings, bedside tools and advocacy suggestions, practical skills, and encouragement as we all walk this path together.
Our Founder & Team
Deanna Cochran. CareDoula® Education Founder. We’re a small family-run business with a fully remote, cross-functional team of six people. Deanna is the visionary and educator.
Review Deanna’s pioneering work here.
Danielle Cochran, Operations Director.
Manages day-to-day operations of the business, the CareDoula® School, and student care.
Maureen Lynch, Community Manager.
Manages onboarding, community learning, client care and is liaison for all CareDoula® Education programs.
Our CareDoula® Tech Team! Awesome support to keep our systems running smooth.
Our Story
(as told by Deanna)
Part 1: Solve a Problem
It all started back in 2005 when I cared for my mother during her dying time. I had been a hospice RN for years before that and the biggest thing that brought me the most pain was the fact that many people often suffered terribly before they came to hospice. It was striking how their symptoms would be relieved so quickly, often within 24 hours of beginning service, so it appeared I was witnessing “miracles.” But they weren’t miracles at all; I was seeing the science and mastery of therapies, protocols and medicines that treat devastating symptoms of illness and the treatments for that illness. It was brutal to me that you had to be dying to receive this care (palliative care). My mother did not want hospice and I knew she still deserved and could have this same care. Her medical team was agreeable to forming our own “palliative care” team. Afterwards, I formed Quality of Life Care, LLC, home to CareDoula Education, for the purpose of reducing suffering during serious illness and the end of life. I am dedicated to everyone having the smooth illness and dying experience my mother had.
Part 2: Ahead of the Curve
I didn’t realize there was an initiative started within the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, the oldest and largest trade organization in the US (over 6000 member hospices and palliative care organizations) in early 2000s. It was called, “It’s About How You Live,” funded by the Robert Wood Johnson foundation. I found out about it at a conference and the initiative was about educating people that they could have palliative care and not have to be dying to get it. I have worked very hard since then to let as many people know about this as possible. I have been in the forefront of a service movement (end-of-life doula role) and I teach heavily about this advocacy as most people are doing most of their dying outside of hospice service (for a variety of reasons). Over time, in meeting with other end-of-life leaders, creating platforms for unity, and developing many initiatives, I have been part of a worldwide phenomenon of a brand new role that is changing the face of dying–that is the creation of the professional and volunteer role of the end-of-life doula. It has been my great honor to be a founding member of the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance and to have served as 1st Chair of the End-of-Life Doula Advisory Council (within the NHPCO) for our first 2.5 years. I’ve come full circle and am now focusing on the family again, as I did when I began over 25 years ago.
Part 3: Education Focus
Spending all my time in public service and leadership was exactly what needed to happen for all those years. I focused strongly on empowering end of life advocates and in providing public education. These trailblazers are out there changing the world; it has been the best use of my time to guide them so that more people can be served well at the end of life. In 2019, my #1 Amazon bestseller in 3 categories, ‘Accompanying the Dying,’ was published and it is now the ‘go-to’ for end-of-life advocates. It is now published in Spanish and is a tool for unity in Latin America as the doula concept spreads. My joy is in guiding people to take the next right baby step. It doesn’t matter how either, because being present with just our own circles is changing the face of dying in our communities. End-of-life doulas are now positioned perfectly, advocating and caring for people, as well as helping hospices and healthcare agencies. Now is the time for me to focus more on the family/friend circle directly and provide guidance for professionals who are serving within the end of life, as well as those interested in doing so.
CareDoula® Way is your homebase for self-study and monthly LIVE Q&A sessions with me, devoted to empower you in every way to reduce suffering at the end of life. See you on the inside!
Contacting Us
The best way to contact us is via email – support(at)caredoulaeducation(dot)com
Our Privacy policy, Terms and conditions, and other legal pages are here.