CareDoula® Free End-of-Life Doula Training
We have free public education for the “go-to” person, the one people turn to when there is something serious happening. If you are that person or if you are wanting more information and some free end-of-life training for any reason, you will find plenty here to keep you busy.
Our Most Popular Class:
“Create an End-of-Life Service Without Working in Healthcare.” Access Here.
Free Course:
The Top 10 Issues At the End of Life (and what to do about them). Access Here.
The most common questions we receive, Deanna answers here:
1. What Does an End-of-Life Doula Do? Read here!
2. What is the Difference Between End-of-Life Doulas and Hospice?
Read here!
3. Your End-of-Life Doula Business: 3 Keys to Starting. Read here!
4. … and many more. Read them all here!
Deanna had the first hospice and palliative care podcast back in 2014. Below are some of the more popular ones:
1. You Might Die One Day. Listen here!
2. Understanding World Religions for Doulas. Listen here!
3. Self-Care for Professional Doula Caregivers. Listen here!
4. … and many more. Listen to them all here!
End-of-Life Doula Interest Quiz:
Deanna created a quiz that will help you validate exactly where you are in the scheme of end-of-life doula interests. Over the years the feedback is it is spot on! Take Quiz Here.
Take some time and enjoy the free trainings above. Afterwards, it may be revealing to sit with your new awareness, journal or however you integrate new knowledge. What is coming up for you right now? If you are a person who is inspired to serve others professionally or educate in your community, you will want MORE.
It’s all about you
You are the most important person to consider in your service to the dying–no matter HOW you do it or in what capacity. If you are wanting to create a personal unique end of life service, then your service MUST be built upon the foundation of YOUR vision, YOUR dream of service.
When you are skilled and well versed in end-of-life care and know how to approach a family during the dying time, no doubt they will be served well.
But what about you? What Deanna discovered the hard way is if you build your practice solely on the needs of others, your needs will not be met. You will crash in this service, just like healthcare workers do.
In this very special role, that is outside of the healthcare system, without the protections of an organization or license, we must be very careful how we build our unique service. We must be nourished as we serve others or it doesn’t work out in this very personal role.
The art of the practice should always encompass a deep-dive into all aspects of self-care as we are creating a powerful vehicle in which to serve at a very sensitive time. Sound business principles are not enough in our realm, self-care MUST be a part of the business plan.
Being that person who is present for someone dying comes in all kinds of ways–as a healthcare professional, family member, volunteer, advocate, neighbor or friend. And this new role of end-of-life doula is THE role that uniquely blends all that we are–our skills, interests, experience and education and wraps it up in a very unique way for each person who practices.
All are welcome in any training that CareDoula® Education provides because all people at some point in their lives, if they live long enough, will be affected by someone else’s dying and death. With the fragmentation of our healthcare system, we can’t assume that our answers for end-of-life support lie there.
The real truth is that people enter hospice services so very late in their journey towards death (for a variety of reasons). They are the leader in medical care of the dying. Along with the team, people are in good hands and sometimes they need more.
All of us can be a part of this phenomenal end of life movement of empowerment. So many things are being developed to prepare for the dying of the baby boomers. By 2030, there will be more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 18 for the first time in history!
However you learn the skills of one who accompanies another through dying and whatever you call yourself, we need you. If you are inspired to make dying better, we need you, however you envision serving, we are here.
There are many friends around the world with the same drive to improve the way people are dying in their locales. Within this end-of-life movement of doulas, home funeral guides and healthcare advocates (along with the awareness of palliative care prior to hospice), we are making real headway.